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案例分享 » Kreature
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2020/21) Kreature is an online marketplace that enables independent creators to sell customised print-on-demand merchandise for their fans,…
Programmatic » 程序化广告
程序化广告(programmatic advertising)是一种完全自动化,通过电脑运算和数据分析来购买媒体广告的策略。
数码营销学堂 » 3. SEO:让顾客找到你
谷歌占据全球搜索市场份额的8成以上,一般网站流量有大约4至5成的起点是搜索。搜索引擎优化,Search Engine Optimisation (SEO),是数码营销绕不过去的一个坎。

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数码营销学堂辅导课案例分享Digital LandscapeSearch EngineSocial MediaProgrammatic
1. 行销如引牛喝水
什么是行销,或 marketing? 想象你家有一口池塘,不远的草原上有一群牛。你的目标,是使用最小的资源,把最多的牛引到池塘边,说服它们饮水 -- 这便是行销了。
2. 从创业到行销
3. SEO:让顾客找到你
谷歌占据全球搜索市场份额的8成以上,一般网站流量有大约4至5成的起点是搜索。搜索引擎优化,Search Engine Optimisation (SEO),是数码营销绕不过去的一个坎。
4. SEM:捕捉消费意图
关键字广告(Search Engine Marketing, SEM)是主动出击,试图从搜索关键字中猜测潜在客户的消费意图,然后付费让自己的营销信息以广告的形式,出现在搜索者的荧幕上。
5. 内容及故事行销
内容行销通过向目标客户传达有价值的信息,来达到营销的目的。内容行销不是直接推销产品信息的广告,它是间接的,通过长期、系统化的内容创建、发布及传播,在目标客户心目中建立起正面的形象,待时机成熟时,才 ...
6. 社交媒体概论
在数码营销领域,社交媒体的重要性,仅次于搜索引擎。然而,相对于谷歌在搜索引擎的独大,社交媒体却呈现百花齐放的现象。脸书 Facebook 虽然强大,却不是独领风骚。在这一课里,我们将重点讨论社交媒体,以及如 ...
7. 社媒营销及广告平台
我们将采用脸书为例子,分别讨论社媒专页的自然触及率(Organic Reach) -- 也就是自有媒体的使用 -- 以及广告平台,也就是付费媒体(Paid Media)。至于赢得媒体(Earned Media) 的部分,在社媒上便是用户的分享 ...
8. 显示型广告和再营销
9. 营销绩效:实行、测量及优化
10. 联盟营销:借力使力
联盟营销(Affiliate Marketing) 是按照实际营销成果来支付广告费的营销方式。数码广告采用按显示付费(CPM), 按点击付费(CPC), 和按营销效果付费(CPA)  三种付费模式。联盟营销以 CPA 模式, Cost per Acquis ...
11. 网红营销
一般人有两大误解:一是网红营销只是短暂的风潮,只会搔首弄姿,没有内涵的网红,浪潮过去后就会死在沙滩上;二是网红营销是一道捷径,可以迅速为营销者带来成效,所以千万不要错过机会,赶紧投入 -- 这两个理解 ...
12. 公共关系和危机处理
行销如引牛喝水 / 从创业到行销
21 Aug 2021 - 有关《行销如引牛喝水》及《从创业到行销》的辅导课录影
搜索引擎优化 / 关键字行销
4 Sep 2021 - 有关《搜索引擎优化》及《关键字行销》的辅导课录影
2 Oct 2021 - 有关社媒、显示型广告和再营销的辅导课录影
23 Oct 2021 有关客户终生价值,客户购置成本,隽咏十步等等题目的辅导课录影
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2020/21) Mussvital provides dermatological care products for people with atopic skin and sensitive skin by acquiring customers through…
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2020/21) Kreature is an online marketplace that enables independent creators to sell customised print-on-demand merchandise for their fans,…
Mini Star Fermented Toufu
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2020/21) Mini Star is a stinky tofu outlet situated in the colourful neighbourhood of Geylang, Singapore. Insightful discussions…
C2 Digital
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2020/21) C2 Digital offers businesses a comprehensive service to realising high-engagement virtual environment events, using customised brand design…
Digital marketing case study of MyOrder, presented by CK Liew. MyOrder helps food & beverage business generate revenue through mobile webstore. (数码营销学堂,Oct…
OnSight Construction
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2021/22) Conceptualised by NUS student founders, OnSight™ aims to be a one-stop application that offers effective task management…
Needle.My: 网红营销
网红营销的原理和操作 + 与李欣怡的对谈。李欣怡曾为马来西亚电台主持人,后转战网络,并成立网红营销平台 Needle.my.
Carrot Learning Centre
(Student project, NUS SoC, AY2021/22) Carrot Learning Centre provides top notch child care and educational services to primary school students so that…
📌 发掘大东亚中药油产品在新加坡、马来西亚及印尼的忠诚及潜在客户,深入了解客户需求,与客户互动;以及 📌 测试市场对新植物芳香油系列产品的反馈。我们也将分析使用 Partipost 平台进行微型网红行销的观察和经验。
Consumer Media Consumption vs Advertising Spending
The shift in media consumption behaviour of consumers is a leading indicator to the movement of advertising spending. What does that mean…
Your Digital Presence
This article covers several topics when setting up your digital presence, such as building a web site from scratch, adding web analytics,…
Digital 2020 – Global Digital Overview
Essential insights into how people around the world use the internet, mobile devices, social media and eCommerce. By We are Social and…
e-Conomy SEA 2020
In addition to new online users, COVID-19 led to an acceleration of digital consumption as users tried new digital services for the…
How Search Works
Understanding how search works is the first step towards grasping the basic concepts of search engine optimization, or SEO.
SEO/SEM Agency Pitch Deck
This is a sample SEO / SEM agency pitch deck from Thrive. Some key points on SEO and SEM are covered. 
Google Ads (AdWords) Tutorial 2021
A good step-by-step tutorials on how to run ads on Google in 2021 by Eric Preston, an agency based in Vancouver. 
Social Media in Southeast Asia
From ASEAN Studies Centre, ISEAS. ASEANFocus, A bimonthly publication providing concise analyses and perspectives on ASEAN matters.
How does News Feed Work
To improve distribution on Facebook and other social media, one must understand how news feed work. There are 4 important concepts: Inventory,…
节录自:数码营销(赖国芳著)(六)社交媒体:叫人按捺不住 (七)社媒营销:找对的人(八)社媒营销:各花入各眼
Real Time Bidding
A video from Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) explaining how an ad is served with Real Time Bidding (RTB).
The Evolution of Display Advertising
These 2 videos from Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) UK show how the display advertising landscape has evolved in the last decade. Prerequisite…
Programmatic Advertising
Prof KF Lai provides a brief explanation of the programmatic advertising landscape. 
程序化广告(programmatic advertising)是一种完全自动化,通过电脑运算和数据分析来购买媒体广告的策略。

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